Control, RTU and SCADA systems
UAB „Elektros inzinerija“ engineering services include design, supply, production, configuration, factory acceptance tests (FAT) of control, RTU (Remote Terminal Unit), SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), transformer substation data network, smart electrical network systems and its separate elements (panels) as well as supply of complete systems and its separate elements to the Buyer. We supply these systems for electrical utility and railway transport segments, power plants, industry. We perform commissioning works of supplied equipment on site and final site acceptance tests (SAT) – complex check of signals, measurements and control commands with other SCADA systems, automation and primary equipment of the Buyer. Projects have been successfully carried out in Lithuania, Latvia, Georgia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and received very good appreciation of our Buyers. Training of maintenance personnel of the Buyer is the integral part of our each implemented project.